New to Kingdom Harvest Church?

20 Years Of Kingdom Harvest Church

Before you come to church, you might be wondering what it will be like. At Kingdom Harvest Church, we want you to be able to relax and be yourself. Our goal is to make church a safe place where we all experience God, and learn how to worship Jesus Christ, freely. At Kingdom Harvest Church, you’ll find people a lot like you. We have questions and struggles, as well as victories and joys. Our church is full of real people, experiencing messy, complicated, beautiful life together, and drawing closer to God every day. We strive for an honest, relevant, contemporary church environment.


So please don’t worry about your past here, or about what people might think of you. Nobody is too messed up for God, and nobody is too messed up for God’s Church. God specializes in turning crucifixions into resurrections.


Our services generally last between 1 & 1/2 to 2 hours, depending on how The Spirit moves.

Our style of worship is contemporary & powerful. We have live music every Sunday and Wednesday.

You will hear a powerful Word from God in every service; full of spiritual insight, divine revelation, and blessing.

We operate in the full gifting of the Holy Spirit as defined in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. Including: tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, healing, working of miracles, faith, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, and discerning of spirits.


Feel free to explore Kingdom Harvest Church at your own pace! We want you to relax and enjoy what we have to offer to see if we’re the right place for you. Our service times are listed at the bottom of the page. We are located on US Route 65 in Lenore, WV. We are right next to Lenore K-8 School. We also offer many Small Group Ministries for all ages that meet throughout the week in the community. We encourage everyone to check out these Life Groups, they are a great way to get to know the people of Kingdom Harvest Church.

We look forward to your visit, and hope to see you very soon. May God bless you, and have a wonderful day.